The style of feeling:A four-dimensional life of solitude and joy.

One day, you met Mr. Dragon outside the supermarket near your house. He smoked and blew fire. “Cool, circus guy,” you exclaimed, and he tried to explain when you just happened to be clapping. At this time, it suddenly flew away, and your loss is not missing a photo with him, but how to share him with family and friends. Because they’re bound to worry about your mental condition, not get excited.

Mr. Dragon , Canvas oil painting, 2017,Damao

A few years later, your life changed when you saw a portrait of Mr. Dragon in the gallery. Although no one else was present on both occasions, the difference is that you regained the courage to look up at the stars.

Feel the style: Fold that empty box of freedom in the universe

When we enter a dark cave and observe with torches,

it is sad that we cannot observe light and shadow at the same time. …The part of seeing one’s own shadow and the part of seeing light are back-to-back relationships. Is it physical mass that folds our time and space in half? Or light energy ? Or both

Side-shadows of box, Canvas oil painting, 2021, Damao
30” x 40”
Side-lights of box, Canvas oil painting, 2021, Damao
30” x 30 ”
Side-Kailash of box,Canvas oil painting, 2021, Damao
30” x 30 ”

Original work …stay tuned for more news from Damao Queen Anne art studio …

Feel the style: A pre-installation box in the universe

When you open a space that you’ve discovered, it changes from 5 planes to 1 plane, or from 6 to 1plane.

Side-A of box, Canvas oil painting, 2021, Damao
40 inches x 30 inches
Bottom of the box, Canvas oil painting, 2021, Damao
40 inches x 30 inches
Top of the box, Canvas oil painting, 2021, Damao
30 inches x 40 inches

Above paintings are for sale

Original work …stay tuned for more news from my Queen Anne art studio …

Feel the style:Parallel sincerity and folded determination

Today, whether living in a village that misses fashion or a city that lacks natural beauty, pine trees outside the art museum can still grow tall, even if it grows in high-rise buildings. The amount of sunlight and the direction of education are not important, its growth and existence are only related to feeling its needs. Everyone pretends to be bear dolls to express the sincerity of relative survival, just like the art museum and the tree outside the door, only the state of revelry has the courage to meet.

“The Tree Outside the Art Museum” canvas oil painting 2019 50cm x 90cm Damao

Feel the style: Folded parallel

As a child, our little hand accidentally broke the arm of a teddy bear. Pure consciousness cannot handle this accident. We wept bitterly because its arm was broken, but the same style bear was brought back from the mall by our loving parents, and we lost the whole world, and there may be more in the mall…

Toys to each other/oil on canvas,2019,110cm*130cm,Damao
Mushroom/Watercolor 30cm*20cm,Damao